Rights / Benefits

Competent Department


Parking Card


Preferential parking.

European Disability Card


It ensures equal access to certain specific benefits (mainly in the areas of culture, tourism, leisure, sport and transport). *A list is available.

Technical means (Computer, Printer, Communication System, Sensory Room Configuration)


Financial assistance is available up to 80% of the final value of the technical equipment requested (a list of maximum amounts is available).

Minimum Guaranteed Income (MGA) / Disability Allowance


According to the Law, “person with a disability” means a person who has long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments, which, when interacting with various barriers, may prevent his/her full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others and who is certified as a person with a severe or total disability by the Disability Assessment System, or moderate intellectual disability, or has been approved as a recipient of public assistance as a disabled person under the provisions of the Public Assistance and Services Act, as amended or replaced from time to time, until he or she is certified as a person with a severe or total long-term physical and/or mental and/or intellectual and/or sensory disability or moderate intellectual disability by the Disability Evaluation System (the TCDS), if called for certification.

Total Amount: €848.38 (EI: €480, Disability Allowance: €226 +  €142.38 additional as social cohesion measures)

*The allowance is considered if certain conditions are met, which are specified in the relevant legislation.

If a person is found to be entitled to the EEE/Disability Allowance, he/she is entitled to the following:

Ø  Care Allowance   (Home, institutional or other care is provided for)

Ø   Subsidy for the need for diapers for minors/adults

Ø  Covering emergency needs (e.g. household appliances, furniture, clothes, etc.)

Ø   Home Metering with Code 08 from the AHK, which offers reduced fees

Ø   Special Tariff Packages from CYTA

Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth

Special Education

Special facilities and benefits are provided (e.g. Special Education, Speech Therapy, school assistant/assistant, exemptions, individualised programme development), following a needs assessment and a decision of the Provincial Committee for Special Education and Training (DSEE).

*It is noted that, for additional rights/social benefits for children with Autism, there is relevant information from the Association’s Social Service.